August 28, 2019 – 10:43 PM
Tiger's afternoon was being spent carting his Hogwarts aged children to and from different supply stores since the governess had recently quit after being terrorized a time too many. He would need to put up an ad for a new one for his remaining children but for now, Ma was helping out a lot.
Moving through the streets with his children in tow was a challenge but one Tiger was used to undertaking. At the very least, the older ones already knew what to do and could mostly handle things on their own. That didn't make them any less chaotic though. Luckily, Tiger was pretty adept at handling chaos. The streets were crowded and it was like moving through quicksand as he tried to get to the next shop.
Being the size that he was and his build meant that the parasol rapping him felt akin to an annoying bug of sorts so he didn't think much of it at first. Then he realized, it wasn object and he turned. "Yes?" He inquired as he pushed her parasol away from his person.