August 15, 2019 – 8:13 AM
Pablo Medina — Played by Kit
They had stopped off in Mafré which suited Pablo just fine. Most of his time had been spent canvassing the wild. His naturally darkened skin was getting even tanner already and he had stopped with the 'proper' way of tying back his somewhat long hair. He was dressed loosely and comfortably which had scandalized an evangelist woman or two already. Oops.
Coming back into the town, writing something on a bit of parchment, he came across one of the other adventurers. One he knew to be related to his cousins wife or some such. Not that he had personally ever had the pleasure of meeting him. Odd considering their familial link but then again, Pablo had been thought dead for some years. He noted his actions with amusement. "Very nice thinking outside the magical box." Merlin only knew that there had been times when Pablo had not had magic to rely on and only his wits.