There was a bit of a, "Hmm, " after that thought and he went to start sifting through the pile of books. "Yes, essentially, though I must say some of the rituals feel a bit silly? After all how many gentlemen do you know of today's standards dancing in a circle wearing a loin cloth and shaking a rain stick embued with rocks from the aboriginal magic plains of Altjira?" He gave a laugh at the thought and then sighed, "That might also be a problem, we may require other items of value, so I dare say this may take more time then simply a day."
There was momentary silence as he began digging. Finally an "Ah ha!" arose. He motioned Fisk over, "Would you say the congo symbol painted on here looks more like picture A or picture B?" Picture A appeared like a serpent. Picture B appeared like legless dragon.
![[Image: unknown.png]](