That smile was adorable, and Trevor returned it with one of his own. Mirroring. It was a pretty good trick. Give them back what they give you. It makes them feel like you're more connected than you actually are. Plus, Trevor happened to have a very handsome smile. Sure, the veela blood only worked on females, but it had also made him just straight-up overall attractive. So it was great to work with.
"Thank you, Mr. Holm," Trevor said, taking a seat across from him and next to the cat. He held his hand out for her to sniff. "My name is Daniel Smith. I really enjoy this place. Do you come here often?"
"Thank you, Mr. Holm," Trevor said, taking a seat across from him and next to the cat. He held his hand out for her to sniff. "My name is Daniel Smith. I really enjoy this place. Do you come here often?"