She thought she had guessed right, to assist him without thinking rather than shrinking back: his skin was not so pale to be a vampire’s - too sun-kissed - and despite his imposing stature, had proven nothing other than polite, though he swiftly picked a wall instead of her shoulder.
Well, fair enough.
“Oh, it’d take more than that to flatten me,” Carmelina said, with a bright sort of confidence. She surveyed him with a conscious scrutiny, sure he would notice what she was doing, but as he hadn’t answered whether he was alright - well, he was obviously not. Certainly something was wrong; and Carmelina couldn’t imagine it was the wave of weakness sometimes caused by a too-tight corset and the heat of the summer in this case. “Won’t you tell me what’s wrong?” She pressed, not about to let her curiosity lie in pursuit of politeness.
Well, fair enough.
“Oh, it’d take more than that to flatten me,” Carmelina said, with a bright sort of confidence. She surveyed him with a conscious scrutiny, sure he would notice what she was doing, but as he hadn’t answered whether he was alright - well, he was obviously not. Certainly something was wrong; and Carmelina couldn’t imagine it was the wave of weakness sometimes caused by a too-tight corset and the heat of the summer in this case. “Won’t you tell me what’s wrong?” She pressed, not about to let her curiosity lie in pursuit of politeness.