"I understand you have brought something rather exotic, I dare say I can hear it buzzing." Since the potion incident he had pretty good hearing he had discovered, though he was still working on making it selective. He gave a bit of a laugh bits of animistic huffs coming in between through know fault of his own. He dare thought this meeting would go nice, the man was only a tad shorter and it appeared as though he would be less intimidated by him. Ladies were a different story all together.
"It is from Africa yes?" He said as he ushered him towards a room off to the side that was meant for employees only. "I've read quite a bit about Africa, the Zulu and Swahili are fascinating cultures. I would love to travel there someday myself, though, that may prove difficult." His joyfulness faded for a moment but then he took a look at all the amazing items they had in stock and turned his mind back to work. "So, any special preparations before presentation?" He found magical items could have a bit of a mind of their own. Some required darker conditions, or lighter conditions, or certain metals to not be present.
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/599430495347933224/599831524006821898/unknown.png)