Although he had stated before that he thought it highly likely one of the two twins would die of natural causes, Tiberius hadn't regularly considered it as a possibility, and so Antigone's blase statement caught him off guard. It took him half a moment to catch her meaning at all, and by then he was hurrying to answer her without really having considered what he wanted to convey. As a result, his words seemed uncharacteristically scattered. "No — no — it's not that. It's not that at all. It's the nurse. For the other one," he explained. Antigone would surely know what he meant by the nurse for the other one.
"She decided to try and blackmail us. So I killed her," he stated quite matter-of-factly, as though there were no other options in such a situation. As far as he was concerned, there weren't; at least, none that he would have given any serious consideration to. "And the girl is, presumably, still there. Without a nurse."
Hopefully she was still there, and alone. Tiberius didn't think she would be permanently scared by being left alone for a few hours, but if the nurse had solicited someone to watch her while she was away — or worse, sent her to a friend or relative's house for safekeeping — then cleaning this mess up would take considerably longer.
"She decided to try and blackmail us. So I killed her," he stated quite matter-of-factly, as though there were no other options in such a situation. As far as he was concerned, there weren't; at least, none that he would have given any serious consideration to. "And the girl is, presumably, still there. Without a nurse."
Hopefully she was still there, and alone. Tiberius didn't think she would be permanently scared by being left alone for a few hours, but if the nurse had solicited someone to watch her while she was away — or worse, sent her to a friend or relative's house for safekeeping — then cleaning this mess up would take considerably longer.