Bragi remembered wildly that a lady had given birth in one of the novels he'd read, but that had been an incredibly tacit affair. The story would be no use here. But Bragi himself wanted to be of some use, and the secretive young midwife before him could tell him how.
Call an ambulance, inform St Mungo's, get blankets, find somewhere soft... this was a lot of things, and the lad had no idea where to start. Did muggle ambulances even serve Hogsmeade? Where was he supposed to find a telephone? Or a blanket for that matter? "Here, take my scarf". He unwrapped the pale blue garment from around his shoulders, glad he'd brought it despite the warmness of the weather.
"I'll, erm — I'll apparate to St Mungo's and alert them." He was not sure how he managed to do so without splinching himself, such was his anxiety in the moment, but he had a job that needed to be done urgently, and — thank Merlin — he shortly returned with another midwife. The pressure was taken off Miss Galloway, though she would still be expected to help.
Bragi stood by breathlessly by and watched from a distance as the midwife swiftly conjured a little sound-proof pavilion for the mother's privacy and dignity... and so, within, began life's tumultuous work.
He would later muse that this was a magic more powerful than any spell.
-fade out-
![[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]](
Call an ambulance, inform St Mungo's, get blankets, find somewhere soft... this was a lot of things, and the lad had no idea where to start. Did muggle ambulances even serve Hogsmeade? Where was he supposed to find a telephone? Or a blanket for that matter? "Here, take my scarf". He unwrapped the pale blue garment from around his shoulders, glad he'd brought it despite the warmness of the weather.
"I'll, erm — I'll apparate to St Mungo's and alert them." He was not sure how he managed to do so without splinching himself, such was his anxiety in the moment, but he had a job that needed to be done urgently, and — thank Merlin — he shortly returned with another midwife. The pressure was taken off Miss Galloway, though she would still be expected to help.
Bragi stood by breathlessly by and watched from a distance as the midwife swiftly conjured a little sound-proof pavilion for the mother's privacy and dignity... and so, within, began life's tumultuous work.
He would later muse that this was a magic more powerful than any spell.
-fade out-
![[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]](