“What did I just say!?” Temperance snapped, whipping her head towards him before immediately regretting it when sickness rose within her so quickly it nearly made her topple over. She gripped the railings tightly, turning her knuckles a shade of white to match the clouds in the sky, and leaned forwards unconsciously to prepare for an expulsion that, blessedly, didn’t come. She moaned softly as her head swam and closed her traitorous eyes: she could just about cope with the sickness, it was terribly undignified but manageable, however the feeling of being off-balance, of not being in control of what her body did because everything felt like it took twice as long for her brain to process, was utterly intolerable.
She carefully opened an eye and twisted her head slowly to look at him, leaning heavily on her arms and feeling like an utter fool. “Truly?” She asked, in a much calmer, almost humble voice, desperately willing him to tell her some secret trick to make it all go away. He certainly seemed to be faring better than anyone else onboard, even others that claimed to be experienced sea-farers – though Temperance had severe doubts about some of their claims. Either these waters were exceptionally rough or they were lying and Temperance had more reliance upon people’s dishonesty than she did the whims of the weather. “I’m not sure I can take this for the whole voyage.”
Wonderful set by Lady <3
![[Image: B2bgZW.jpg]](https://k.nickpic.host/B2bgZW.jpg)