The groan said it all. Her smile widened. Victory felt like it was within reach. But that would mean the end, unless she could find another topic of interest. It did feel good to earn a victory. It didn't feel like she had won anything since receiving her NEWTs scores.
It was true that she did not know what the colonies names were. While she was smart, she did not have the ability to memorize everything. "Indeed." She replied to the winning verdict. Would the actual name of the charity symbolize where the money was going to with enough accuracy?
Rosie nodded to his statement. "Alright. Next we shall try to determine which guest shall be spending the most at this event. Both from the average donation, as well as the food proceeds." Just because they finished one game, did not mean that they could not begin another. And with that, she went to go see how right they were.
It was true that she did not know what the colonies names were. While she was smart, she did not have the ability to memorize everything. "Indeed." She replied to the winning verdict. Would the actual name of the charity symbolize where the money was going to with enough accuracy?
Rosie nodded to his statement. "Alright. Next we shall try to determine which guest shall be spending the most at this event. Both from the average donation, as well as the food proceeds." Just because they finished one game, did not mean that they could not begin another. And with that, she went to go see how right they were.