She was no expert on body language, but it didn't take much to conclude that the gentleman was a bit nervous. She'd seen the look before: the reluctant kindness, shifting eyes that searched for anyone who was watching them, be it a chaperon or gossiping lips. Bella had learned not to care; it was difficult for any rumor to affect her as much as the ones from the year before had. The worst they could call her now was ten times less damaging than she'd already been called.
She elected to ignore it, though, and smile at him in return.
"Give it a few weeks and the Hogsmeade residents will be bothering you," she teased, unable to keep a wide, unladylike smile off her face. Although the residents of Hogsmeade were altogether well-behaved, the existence of so much magic in the village meant that accidents — and sometimes tragedies — were inevitable. That was one of the reasons (other than her prompt disownment and expulsion from good society) that Bella had left it when the opportunity struck.
"I actually live up in the Scottish Hebrides, but I lived here with my family growing up. I suppose you're not only from outside of Hogsmeade, though," she asked, an eyebrow cocked in interest. "You're not from Britain, are you?"
She elected to ignore it, though, and smile at him in return.
"Give it a few weeks and the Hogsmeade residents will be bothering you," she teased, unable to keep a wide, unladylike smile off her face. Although the residents of Hogsmeade were altogether well-behaved, the existence of so much magic in the village meant that accidents — and sometimes tragedies — were inevitable. That was one of the reasons (other than her prompt disownment and expulsion from good society) that Bella had left it when the opportunity struck.
"I actually live up in the Scottish Hebrides, but I lived here with my family growing up. I suppose you're not only from outside of Hogsmeade, though," she asked, an eyebrow cocked in interest. "You're not from Britain, are you?"