Had it been anyone else Morwenna’s only retort would have been a brusque instruction to get out of her office but instead she managed a weak smile for her favourite protege, though she doubted either of the offered drinks would make any difference to her current state. She felt painfully weak, the extra effort it was taking to simply keep her head upright was rapidly beginning to drain what little strength she had been able to muster than morning.
“I don’t-”
Abruptly the room span, Elinor became little more than a blur, and Morwenna’s head became intimately acquainted with the surface of her own desk as she lost the battle with gravity.
She screwed her eyes up tightly - feeling rather childish as she did so - and prayed that the dizziness would soon pass. Apart from anything else she was quite sure she could feel blood begin to seep through the bandage on her left arm: dressing her own wounds had apparently not been as successful as she had hoped. Morwenna groaned quietly, feeling as pathetic as a newborn foal, wishing the earth would hurry up and swallow her whole.
![[Image: rjts7m.png]](https://cdnw.nickpic.host/rjts7m.png)
MJ knows my soul rings to the rune of this iconic hat