"Hmmm," Ernest mumbled, considering her counter. "Cold," he decided. They would run out of specifications to make if every guess was presumed to be right. Of course, having said that, he had to find something to back it up with. He'd been to Africa on assignment from the Ministry on a few occasions, but it wasn't as though they had involved much in the way of sightseeing. He had been more focused on the research aspect of the trips, and his recollection of African geography was spotty at best.
"Most of the colonies in that part of Africa are French," he declared. He didn't really know if it was true, but at least it wasn't very far off — the horn of Africa was French, and he didn't think the coastline South of it was British. "And no self-respeting English citizen would throw a fundraiser to help the French. No, I think — English missionaries to the Eastern Congo," he continued, picking a destination more or less at random that seemed like it aligned with what they'd already decided. "Hot or cold?"

"Most of the colonies in that part of Africa are French," he declared. He didn't really know if it was true, but at least it wasn't very far off — the horn of Africa was French, and he didn't think the coastline South of it was British. "And no self-respeting English citizen would throw a fundraiser to help the French. No, I think — English missionaries to the Eastern Congo," he continued, picking a destination more or less at random that seemed like it aligned with what they'd already decided. "Hot or cold?"