It was all innocent fun. That was what she told herself. When he asked if she had read the plaque as well, she made a mental note to not read them anymore. Why bother? They all blur together anyway. This was far more interesting than simply chatting about the event with the same tone of talk of the weather. "I took a glance at it, though these events all seem to blur together." She admitted. If she tried to name one, it might as well have been the name of one from last week or the week before. Hugo had dragged her to far too many events. The first few had been interesting. Either of them getting a richer friend to have them invited to the more fancier parties. But it had gotten old a long time ago.
He turned his attention to the room, and so did she. Glancing around, she spotted Hugo in deep conversation with several rich looking men. Of course he was. Never a surprise, really. But she let it go and focused back on the game. What could she remember about fireflies? Or Africa, for that matter. Thinking of what he had said, it sounded logical. The top of Africa was not near the tropic of... what was it again? Both started with a 'C'. She had read it somewhere. "Hot. The habitats of the fireflies would likely be located at and around the tropics. I would say that the donations would go to one of the colonies there. Hot or Cold?" Her brother-in-law owned a bookstore, and she likedhim to read.
He turned his attention to the room, and so did she. Glancing around, she spotted Hugo in deep conversation with several rich looking men. Of course he was. Never a surprise, really. But she let it go and focused back on the game. What could she remember about fireflies? Or Africa, for that matter. Thinking of what he had said, it sounded logical. The top of Africa was not near the tropic of... what was it again? Both started with a 'C'. She had read it somewhere. "Hot. The habitats of the fireflies would likely be located at and around the tropics. I would say that the donations would go to one of the colonies there. Hot or Cold?" Her brother-in-law owned a bookstore, and she liked