In all honesty, Lucky respected Baird's statement and modesty more than Crabbe's shrug of indifference. Admitting a need for improvement was far better than simply acting as if getting in more practice was no big deal. If Crabbe kept that attitude, Lucky would not be that pleased to see the young Hufflepuff as a captain one day. Taking one's weaknesses seriously helped one to overcome them. But he let it go.
The captain instead decided to focus on planning. "A few laps around the goals could do us some good. Either of you have anything in mind for other ways that we can practice?" Teamwork was always important in quidditch. Lucky could always work on his speed, so that was his first idea.
The captain instead decided to focus on planning. "A few laps around the goals could do us some good. Either of you have anything in mind for other ways that we can practice?" Teamwork was always important in quidditch. Lucky could always work on his speed, so that was his first idea.