The embarrassment was so stark, why, it was as though over a month had transpired trapped in this exact situation!
When he got to his feet, Alexandra might notice she was not the only one red in the face.
A proper British man raised in the vigorous social strata of middle class life might have had the instinct to shut his mouth. Ahmet had, too, once upon a time – primarily before he was fluent with the regional language.
“Usually,” he said, brushing his front off and raising white-dusted fingers, “you just flour the hands.”
When he got to his feet, Alexandra might notice she was not the only one red in the face.
A proper British man raised in the vigorous social strata of middle class life might have had the instinct to shut his mouth. Ahmet had, too, once upon a time – primarily before he was fluent with the regional language.
“Usually,” he said, brushing his front off and raising white-dusted fingers, “you just flour the hands.”