MEMORY: Getting his first broomstick (courtesy of Uncle Beckett, of course!) after making the Slytherin quidditch team in second year.
AND… 3
FORM: Random

MEMORY: Getting his first broomstick (courtesy of Uncle Beckett, of course!) after making the Slytherin quidditch team in second year.
AND… 3
FORM: Random
Although Professor Sleptov's patronus lesson was among his NEWT students' favorites, Eldin did not enter the classroom with the same excitement as his peers. He'd heard it was rare for a student to successfully cast one, especially the sixth years; he'd honestly be happy if he managed a wisp.
He tried to think of his happiest, most notable memory. His earliest memory—his dragon-themed birthday party at age four—was a contender, but it wasn't strong enough to manage a patronus. Becoming a prefect was a powerful memory, but it wasn't all that surprising upon second thought. In the end, he chose the moment his Uncle Beckett bought him his first broomstick shortly after making the quidditch team.
"Expecto patronum!" he cast, hoping to make some progress.
He tried to think of his happiest, most notable memory. His earliest memory—his dragon-themed birthday party at age four—was a contender, but it wasn't strong enough to manage a patronus. Becoming a prefect was a powerful memory, but it wasn't all that surprising upon second thought. In the end, he chose the moment his Uncle Beckett bought him his first broomstick shortly after making the quidditch team.
"Expecto patronum!" he cast, hoping to make some progress.