Antigone almost succeeded in sneaking up on him, but he noticed her approach at the last moment. It wasn't enough time to prevent her from draping herself across him like a stifling overcoat in the middle of summer, but at least it prevented him from jumping or flinching when she did so. That was for the best; his pride wouldn't have borne her surprising him and then being able to tease him about it.
What was she on about? He had disengaged no more hurriedly than he typically did. The only time he had ever lingered after intercourse was in the shared room at his uncle's house, and that had been only due to necessity, not desire. It was unusual to say the least that she would expect anything different.
"What do you want?" he asked plainly, reaching up to lightly grab her wrist and move her arm off of his shoulders.
What was she on about? He had disengaged no more hurriedly than he typically did. The only time he had ever lingered after intercourse was in the shared room at his uncle's house, and that had been only due to necessity, not desire. It was unusual to say the least that she would expect anything different.
"What do you want?" he asked plainly, reaching up to lightly grab her wrist and move her arm off of his shoulders.