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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Secret of Life (M)
For a few seconds she remained pressed against the door, listening intently but the only sound she could make out was that of her own pulse. He wasn't biting. This was unprecedented, this wasn't how things were supposed to go. How dare he, how dare he keep his temper! If she didn't even have power to provoke him, then what did she have? He may have slipped in her esteem since his failure at animagus transformation but she had never for a second thought his opinion of her could suffer. Was that it? Honestly, she had never known what he felt for her but there had been times when she felt fairly confidant that she had somehow earned some extent of appreciation from him.

It had never before concerned her what he might think of her but suddenly it did now. Clearly her concern came from the very real possibility that he might kill her one day if he no longer valued her in any way, or at least that was what she latched on to as an explanation. What could she do? If she just walked away the problem remained and she'd likely fixate on it until she got to the bottom of it, but if she persisted she might not get anywhere anyway and look foolish in the process.

Unless there was another way to get his attention? What did he care about that wasn't in his study? Was there anything? Short of committing a grisly murder in the foyer, she could think of nothing that might draw him out. "Tiberius!" she snarled, frustration getting the better of her again. She slammed her fist hard against the door a couple times despite knowing it to be a futile gesture. Next she tried leaning against the door but it was either locked or he was leaning against it, either way she wasn't physically strong enough to overpower it. Tig rested her forehead against door, jaw and fists clenched as she tried to compose herself enough that she wouldn't do something humiliating she'd later regret. If only she'd managed to get a better grasp of legilimency, perhaps she'd have been able to use it through the door but she hadn't really tried it since the incident with the dead maid. Despite her certainty it wouldn't work, her hand was already removing her wand from the pocket of her dress. She couldn't make eye contact, she couldn't possibly pull it off, but as long as he was unable to witness her inevitable failure what did it matter? Tig pictured him in her mind and the consequent surge of anger gave her the conviction to mutter the incantation beneath her breath.

It wasn't going to work, there was no way in hell it would and yet as she strained to form some sort of connection, she realized her own desperation and suddenly feared what she might reveal to him should she succeed. At that moment, as if to spite her, she thought she might have actually done it. Shit. Tig wrenched her mind away from whatever she had sensed - real or imagined - and violently recoiled from the door. "I wish I'd stayed in that cage!" she shrieked, rounding on the door and giving it a good thump with her fist before storming off as quickly as her skirts would allow. Had she actually done it or had she just imagined it? She didn't want to think about the possibility that she'd actually made contact, what might he have glimpsed?

Tig headed upstairs and as she neared his bedroom door, her temper got the better of her. She let out a loud screech and flung his bedroom door open so aggressively that the handle hit the wall. She responded by flinging it back the other way, but instead of slamming shut it bounced back from the door frame. What now? She could ransack his room and it would probably make her feel a bit better but now that she was there she didn't really feel like doing anything but leaving.

Messages In This Thread
Secret of Life (M) - by Antigone Lestrange - January 16, 2019 – 1:27 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Tiberius Lestrange - January 16, 2019 – 1:55 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - January 16, 2019 – 2:14 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - January 16, 2019 – 2:52 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Tiberius Lestrange - January 16, 2019 – 2:25 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Tiberius Lestrange - January 25, 2019 – 5:04 PM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - January 25, 2019 – 11:47 PM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - January 26, 2019 – 12:51 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - January 26, 2019 – 8:18 PM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - January 27, 2019 – 3:03 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - February 1, 2019 – 3:09 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - February 1, 2019 – 3:55 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - February 1, 2019 – 4:44 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - February 1, 2019 – 5:48 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - February 1, 2019 – 6:50 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - February 1, 2019 – 3:01 PM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - February 2, 2019 – 10:16 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - February 5, 2019 – 3:07 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - February 13, 2019 – 2:53 PM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - February 25, 2019 – 6:17 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Antigone Lestrange - February 25, 2019 – 6:51 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Tiberius Lestrange - January 26, 2019 – 12:06 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Tiberius Lestrange - January 26, 2019 – 5:14 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Tiberius Lestrange - January 27, 2019 – 2:15 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Tiberius Lestrange - February 1, 2019 – 2:26 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Tiberius Lestrange - February 1, 2019 – 3:22 AM
RE: Secret of Life - by Tiberius Lestrange - February 1, 2019 – 4:17 AM
RE: Secret of Life (M) - by Tiberius Lestrange - February 1, 2019 – 5:06 AM
RE: Secret of Life (M) - by Tiberius Lestrange - February 1, 2019 – 6:13 AM
RE: Secret of Life (M) - by Tiberius Lestrange - February 1, 2019 – 2:36 PM
RE: Secret of Life (M) - by Tiberius Lestrange - February 2, 2019 – 4:00 AM
RE: Secret of Life (M) - by Tiberius Lestrange - February 5, 2019 – 2:20 AM
RE: Secret of Life (M) - by Tiberius Lestrange - February 8, 2019 – 7:52 PM
RE: Secret of Life (M) - by Tiberius Lestrange - February 16, 2019 – 11:09 PM
RE: Secret of Life (M) - by Tiberius Lestrange - February 25, 2019 – 6:33 AM
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