Shawn supposed he should have expected something like that. The cat clearly wasn't meant to be caged but he hadn't expected such ferocity from it. It hadn't shown any inclination that way prior, after all. But it was angry and hissing and also making a beeline for the door. He watched it from where he stood, now leaning against the counter, and raised a brow in confusion. Surely it didn't think it was going to be able to open the door, did it? It was large but hardly large enough to reach the handle and the door swung inside, not out so it wasn't even as if it could push its way through it.
He simply ended up shaking his head though as he moved to sit at a stool behind the counter and pulled some ledgers out to set to getting more paperwork filled out with all that had been done that day. He could surely ignore a strange feline and its yowls for the time being.
He simply ended up shaking his head though as he moved to sit at a stool behind the counter and pulled some ledgers out to set to getting more paperwork filled out with all that had been done that day. He could surely ignore a strange feline and its yowls for the time being.