Thinking about those around you was easier when you hadn't lost several close people in your life. Not having answers makes this especially difficult. Still, that didn't mean that she didn't have others in her life that were actually there. It was just that she had to remind herself of that more than ever this time of the year.
Wiping the tear quickly from her cheek upon realizing that it was there, she gave a small smile. "Apologies. The cold of the door startled me." Though it was obvious in her voice that this was only part of the truth. Had he noticed her tear? She hoped not. It seemed that most did not want to hear about a long-lost brother that has yet to have been found. Most would tell her to 'move on'. Well, it was easier said than done.
Wiping the tear quickly from her cheek upon realizing that it was there, she gave a small smile. "Apologies. The cold of the door startled me." Though it was obvious in her voice that this was only part of the truth. Had he noticed her tear? She hoped not. It seemed that most did not want to hear about a long-lost brother that has yet to have been found. Most would tell her to 'move on'. Well, it was easier said than done.