It was nice to hear the relief in Orinda’s voice at his assurances. At least she didn’t think he was getting too old for his job. Rose pressed the issue quite a bit, despite the knowledge that they both knew they were happier with him away from home. He almost chuckled at confused, oh yes, if only Rose had been confused. He was sure she had had a greater plan at work with her ‘confusion’.
“I miss him too, my dear.” Ellsworth said gently, for there was no other way to sooth that hurt.
Orinda quickly switched topics and suddenly a stack of his papers shuttered and began to grow in size. Oh dear. “Nicely done. Perhaps not on my papers though, eh?”
“I miss him too, my dear.” Ellsworth said gently, for there was no other way to sooth that hurt.
Orinda quickly switched topics and suddenly a stack of his papers shuttered and began to grow in size. Oh dear. “Nicely done. Perhaps not on my papers though, eh?”