Well that settled it, he was getting a dog today and he was going to take it the park every single day in an attempt to see Miss Beauregard more often. She was sweet and soft and gentle - not at all like the fiesty Amelia Evans who had publicly assaulted him enough times that he'd lost count. No no, he wanted a match with a girl who was much more his speed. Likely, he was getting ahead of himself. Still - it would be best for his pet to visit the park every day. It would just pull double duty: one for his dog's health, and two for the chance to run into Miss Beauregard.
"She?" He repeated a bit dumbly and was promptly licked across the mouth. He grimaced and wiped it with the sleeve of his robe, though did not loosen his hold on the squirmy puppy. At least she seemed to like him a bit more now? It wouldn't look very chivalrous if he were to just swap her out for a male, so she swallowed his pride and said, "Of course, silly me. It is kind of you to say so. You and... Dora?" He looked for confirmation for a moment, "Are a lovely pair as well."
"She?" He repeated a bit dumbly and was promptly licked across the mouth. He grimaced and wiped it with the sleeve of his robe, though did not loosen his hold on the squirmy puppy. At least she seemed to like him a bit more now? It wouldn't look very chivalrous if he were to just swap her out for a male, so she swallowed his pride and said, "Of course, silly me. It is kind of you to say so. You and... Dora?" He looked for confirmation for a moment, "Are a lovely pair as well."