The evening, though a little loud for his tastes, had been pleasant enough. He was sociable, but not outgoing; friendly, but not flirtatious. His romantic nature ensured that he carefully took note of every fact and every mannerism he picked up during conversations with his various dance partners, but his sensibility - his innate cautiousness - made it so he paid attention to every detail and mannerism of every young lady he danced with.
And so far, none of them had fit the description that both he and his family wanted for him.
As the evening went on, he resigned to the fact that it ball would be no different from any others, even if it was love-themed and hosted by a so-called 'matchmaking prophet'. He figured that even if he took a liking to a particular woman, his enchanted pocket watch would soon leave him with a sense of obligation to abandon her in favor of his selected dance partner, lest one of them felt offended - or worse, abandoned and unwanted.
That was, at least until this dance, when his watched failed to give any indication that a partner had been selected for him. Unsure of whether this was a mishap, a break, or an indication that he'd gone through his prearranged list, Edward lingered away from the main dance floor with a flute of champagne in his hand.
A minute or so of silence passed with relative ease before a sudden interruption brought him out of his reverie. A young woman - fair-haired and with wide, blue eyes - attached herself to him, a bright smile on her face that, he recognized immediately, did not meet her eyes. He instinctively smiled back, but his gaze flickered up to survey their surroundings for anyone out of place, knowing there was no possibility for a case of mistaken identity.
"I can assure you your mother will have no cause for concern," he reassured, awkwardly touching her shoulder with his free hand. Then, lowering his head ever so slightly, he arched a brow questioningly.
"Is everything alright, Miss...?"
And so far, none of them had fit the description that both he and his family wanted for him.
As the evening went on, he resigned to the fact that it ball would be no different from any others, even if it was love-themed and hosted by a so-called 'matchmaking prophet'. He figured that even if he took a liking to a particular woman, his enchanted pocket watch would soon leave him with a sense of obligation to abandon her in favor of his selected dance partner, lest one of them felt offended - or worse, abandoned and unwanted.
That was, at least until this dance, when his watched failed to give any indication that a partner had been selected for him. Unsure of whether this was a mishap, a break, or an indication that he'd gone through his prearranged list, Edward lingered away from the main dance floor with a flute of champagne in his hand.
A minute or so of silence passed with relative ease before a sudden interruption brought him out of his reverie. A young woman - fair-haired and with wide, blue eyes - attached herself to him, a bright smile on her face that, he recognized immediately, did not meet her eyes. He instinctively smiled back, but his gaze flickered up to survey their surroundings for anyone out of place, knowing there was no possibility for a case of mistaken identity.
"I can assure you your mother will have no cause for concern," he reassured, awkwardly touching her shoulder with his free hand. Then, lowering his head ever so slightly, he arched a brow questioningly.
"Is everything alright, Miss...?"