Oh, great she was crying again! Crying like a girl! Ugh! Why did they do that? He’d never ever cried in his life! He was much better than that! At least, that’s what he would tell himself. In truth, he had cried several times though he had been taught not to show it much – if at all.
The moment she stomped her foot, Paxton huffed and tried to stomp his louder. Ugh, he hated her! But also, she was a great person to be around. No. She was the worst. Worse than… than… worse than a puffskein in a rubbish bin! At least puffskeins weren’t vicious!
Feeling bad, Paxton decided it would be best to sulk instead of make her feel better and so he stormed to the zoo and annoyed the giraffes.
The moment she stomped her foot, Paxton huffed and tried to stomp his louder. Ugh, he hated her! But also, she was a great person to be around. No. She was the worst. Worse than… than… worse than a puffskein in a rubbish bin! At least puffskeins weren’t vicious!
Feeling bad, Paxton decided it would be best to sulk instead of make her feel better and so he stormed to the zoo and annoyed the giraffes.
[FIN for Paxton]