Ishmael groaned in pleasure, grinding up against him at the closer contact, and losing himself a little in the sensation - although this had always been a more controllable kind of craving. Still, he could do this all night. (All night and all day, technically, since sleep was not an option.) But... it might also be worth playing the long game. Raking his teeth lightly across the boy’s bottom lip as he did, he pulled back a fraction, briefly.
“Next time we’ll go somewhere a little more private, hm?” Ishmael proposed, like a next time was no longer even in question, a hand casually palming Kieran over the front of his trousers. Perhaps he was getting greedy from this, but it was always easier to lead people into things - easier for them to go along with a dangerous idea, to only have to agree - and, right now, Kieran seemed just reckless enough. Besides, Ishmael could promise all sorts if he did let him drink from him again.
“Next time we’ll go somewhere a little more private, hm?” Ishmael proposed, like a next time was no longer even in question, a hand casually palming Kieran over the front of his trousers. Perhaps he was getting greedy from this, but it was always easier to lead people into things - easier for them to go along with a dangerous idea, to only have to agree - and, right now, Kieran seemed just reckless enough. Besides, Ishmael could promise all sorts if he did let him drink from him again.