Tears pricking at the corner of her eyes, Flora listened to his words. The wrath! The audacity! She would not be eaten by a giraffe, but the fact that he would even suggest such a thing - and with only the intention of frightening her - send the tears streaming down her face. Her chest shaking with sobs that were attempting to escape, Flora finally did stomp her foot down, only to turn around and run away.
They were not her mother and her brother, but she would rather be around anyone - even a slasher! - than be in Mr. Fudge's company any longer. He was a mean sort of boy who paid little mind to her feeling, and she hated him for it.
They were not her mother and her brother, but she would rather be around anyone - even a slasher! - than be in Mr. Fudge's company any longer. He was a mean sort of boy who paid little mind to her feeling, and she hated him for it.