Best they hadn't started off like this, Ishmael supposed carelessly, else the proximity of this might have have been too much temptation for him, with the boy's heartbeat sounding into him, and the warmth of his body, and of his breath, and the nearness of his neck. It would have been so simple that way, for his mouth to stray from Kieran's, to drift down towards his neck and sink his teeth in before the boy had known what was happening. Maybe he wouldn't have stopped.
But it was fine, it was fine now, because he could still taste Kieran's blood that had slaked the back of his throat, calmed the thirst; he could still feel the benefits of it, his limbs all roused as though from sleep; and besides, his mouth was now fairly distracted.
He did have to wonder if the young man was angling to get paid extra for this, however they were framing it. Ishmael wasn't entirely convinced this wasn't what Kieran actually did for a living, for that matter, given his nerve for it. But oh, what did it matter either way, he decided, letting his hands roam down to Kieran's hips, unconcerned.
But it was fine, it was fine now, because he could still taste Kieran's blood that had slaked the back of his throat, calmed the thirst; he could still feel the benefits of it, his limbs all roused as though from sleep; and besides, his mouth was now fairly distracted.
He did have to wonder if the young man was angling to get paid extra for this, however they were framing it. Ishmael wasn't entirely convinced this wasn't what Kieran actually did for a living, for that matter, given his nerve for it. But oh, what did it matter either way, he decided, letting his hands roam down to Kieran's hips, unconcerned.