He made it so difficult to control the temper she didn't even know she had.
"I'm not saying they are at the zoo! I'm saying that you saying that they're invisible is completely and utterly stupid! You're so irrational and illogical and you don't have a sensible bone in your body," she complained, completely unashamed of her own bluntness in the moment.
"I'm going to find my family by myself - and if I get trampled and die, you'll be to blame." she added with disgruntled hmph. He'd be the one to face Rex come September when she wasn't at Hogwarts!
"I'm not saying they are at the zoo! I'm saying that you saying that they're invisible is completely and utterly stupid! You're so irrational and illogical and you don't have a sensible bone in your body," she complained, completely unashamed of her own bluntness in the moment.
"I'm going to find my family by myself - and if I get trampled and die, you'll be to blame." she added with disgruntled hmph. He'd be the one to face Rex come September when she wasn't at Hogwarts!