Why was she so… so… Incredibly irritating! Infuriating! Ugh, this is why he hated most girls! They were all like this! First she had decided to insult him, which prompted him to furrow his brows and cross his arms rather abruptly, and then she insinuated his perfectly sound idea that they’d turned invisible was illogical!
“We’ve been everywhere!” He huffed, “And still we cannot find them! Therefore, it is not illogical that they are invisible! If anything, you are illogical, Miss Mulciber! And a meanie! Every time I see you, you insult me!”
Why did he like spending time with her?
She was the worst.
The absolute worst.
“We’ve been everywhere!” He huffed, “And still we cannot find them! Therefore, it is not illogical that they are invisible! If anything, you are illogical, Miss Mulciber! And a meanie! Every time I see you, you insult me!”
Why did he like spending time with her?
She was the worst.
The absolute worst.