Ben hadn't shot down her suggestion, but he wasn't enthusiastic about it either. She could have told him that she wanted them to write their letters on rocks and throw them through each other's windows and he wouldn't care. How disappointing! How disheartening! She remembered her Ben as more romantic than that.
"Well," Ellory started. She wasn't ready to let the subject of the pseudonyms go quite yet. "Shouldn't we pick our pseudonyms? So we know it's us that's writing the letter and not a prankster?"
She would get Ben to care about their letters, Merlin help her!
"Well," Ellory started. She wasn't ready to let the subject of the pseudonyms go quite yet. "Shouldn't we pick our pseudonyms? So we know it's us that's writing the letter and not a prankster?"
She would get Ben to care about their letters, Merlin help her!