It'd have been no real loss to him if Kieran had turned him down for anything else - after all, he'd gotten to feed, he couldn't complain in the least - but Ishmael would have been mildly disappointed, all the same. His mouth had twitched towards a smile at Kieran's words alone, but instead let the boy kiss him, feeling a thump and a thrill in his chest, or at least the illusion of it. It was the same sort of feeling that arose from the rush of blood - hard to tell the difference, especially when they were so closely mingled - but it didn't much matter. Any high would do.
"Knew I'd like you," Ishmael murmured, pleased and a little roguish, after that first kiss. Brave of Kieran, too. He paused to cast the briefest of glances over his shoulder, down along the alley, but it was still deserted; if anything changed, anything stirred out of the darkness and the faraway din of the bar, he'd hear it better than most. Was better equipped to deal with it than most, if it came to it. Since they were alone, though, Ishmael returned the kiss, his clutches on Kieran's shirt roughening as he surged forward, pressing up against him and the wall, closer than they had been before.
"Knew I'd like you," Ishmael murmured, pleased and a little roguish, after that first kiss. Brave of Kieran, too. He paused to cast the briefest of glances over his shoulder, down along the alley, but it was still deserted; if anything changed, anything stirred out of the darkness and the faraway din of the bar, he'd hear it better than most. Was better equipped to deal with it than most, if it came to it. Since they were alone, though, Ishmael returned the kiss, his clutches on Kieran's shirt roughening as he surged forward, pressing up against him and the wall, closer than they had been before.