Ishmael only shrugged again. She’d go investigating if she cared to know, and he hadn’t always cared to know, in case he got too caught up in their troubles.
“You’ll see for yourself, I expect, if you stay long enough,” he said, keeping up a smile, because he hadn’t planned on being some dour herald of doom - she’d think him wretchedly dull, and he couldn’t have that! But it’d also be a shame if Lyra here got caught up into too much trouble, because then he’d have no one new to talk to after all. “There’s one or two here now,” he admitted - she’d be able to make friends among them, the young and the dreamers, (though hopefully she’d still prove more fun) - “and you can ask them yourself, if you like. The thing is,” Ishmael pointed out, a little friendly warning not to get her hopes up, “see, blood bank or not, they’re still just as liable to slipping up as the rest of us.” That Dimitri Lancaster, for one; Ishmael’d be damned if he managed to stick to the Ministry as much as he pretended. Honestly, he barely had enough control around humans to make it to the banks and back.
“I expect you weren’t here for all the fuss about half-breeds just last year, either,” Ishmael said, brightly enough. “Better not go having any human’s baby,” he joked (mostly), snickering; “that’ll definitely be trouble, in time.” The ban had been reversed, he knew vaguely enough, but still. Half-breeds had a lifetime of trouble, nevertheless. (Fortunately for him, he mostly fucked men these days. Saved that trouble.)
“You’ll see for yourself, I expect, if you stay long enough,” he said, keeping up a smile, because he hadn’t planned on being some dour herald of doom - she’d think him wretchedly dull, and he couldn’t have that! But it’d also be a shame if Lyra here got caught up into too much trouble, because then he’d have no one new to talk to after all. “There’s one or two here now,” he admitted - she’d be able to make friends among them, the young and the dreamers, (though hopefully she’d still prove more fun) - “and you can ask them yourself, if you like. The thing is,” Ishmael pointed out, a little friendly warning not to get her hopes up, “see, blood bank or not, they’re still just as liable to slipping up as the rest of us.” That Dimitri Lancaster, for one; Ishmael’d be damned if he managed to stick to the Ministry as much as he pretended. Honestly, he barely had enough control around humans to make it to the banks and back.
“I expect you weren’t here for all the fuss about half-breeds just last year, either,” Ishmael said, brightly enough. “Better not go having any human’s baby,” he joked (mostly), snickering; “that’ll definitely be trouble, in time.” The ban had been reversed, he knew vaguely enough, but still. Half-breeds had a lifetime of trouble, nevertheless. (Fortunately for him, he mostly fucked men these days. Saved that trouble.)