For all his current impediments Enoch considered himself an astute man and, generally, he approved of those that struggled without complaint but in the case of Miss Tweedy, whom he could tell was already having to push his chair rather harder than her frame was really built for, he was willing to make an exception. Glancing over his shoulder he gave her his most noble, heroic face and- Merlin, she was pretty up close with better visibility!
“I’d prefer to wheel myself if you have no objections. One doesn’t like to be a burden after all,” and with only a modicum of effort he pushed on his wheels. It was good exercise anyway, he told himself, letting her hold onto the chair to steer as he would almost certainly veer off course otherwise. “I’m sure most of the patients would prefer to be back on their feet too but without magic I’ve seen some poor beggars in more pain than they know what to do with. It’s no wonder muggles are always cutting bits of each other off if they don’t know how to properly treat broken bones.”
His ankle was still wrapped up with a splint and the healers had the audacity to call it the old-fashioned way, as though the wizards of old had been stupid enough to leave themselves incapacitated for weeks at a time!
Indecently attractive set by MJ