The last of his group to walk in, he raises his eyebrows at the two men on the floor. Another group perhaps? He had walked in just in time to watch the two men get up off of the floor, at least they were able to. Perhaps he should have followed his instincts and stayed outside.
Hearing the mention of a boulder made him sigh. "Well, at least it isn't a crocodile." He muttered to himself. Looking at the three options they had in terms of going further into the casino, he still had his doubts that they should be in there at all.
Part of him wondered just what Mr. Byrne meant by making the 'most' of their 'final hours'. Deciding not to say anything, he walked around to the other side of Mrs. Bones. "Have you two explored the other two path ways?" He asked, deciding to at least be productive in all of this.
Hearing the mention of a boulder made him sigh. "Well, at least it isn't a crocodile." He muttered to himself. Looking at the three options they had in terms of going further into the casino, he still had his doubts that they should be in there at all.
Part of him wondered just what Mr. Byrne meant by making the 'most' of their 'final hours'. Deciding not to say anything, he walked around to the other side of Mrs. Bones. "Have you two explored the other two path ways?" He asked, deciding to at least be productive in all of this.