What. Just - what even. How. Why. Somehow they were back at the main entrance. Tyb was dizzy just from the idea of it, never mind the fall.
"Fancy seeing you here," he said faux-cheerfully to the strangers who had appeared inside (poor them, if only they'd known better), eyeing their intertwined hands with vague bemusement. Meanwhile, he hoisted himself up and off Bilton with a muttering of apology, reaching out a hand to help his groupmate up. Once he had, he turned back to the man who was a little bit... panicked.
Fair enough, admittedly. Tyb didn't really want to go back into the depths of this building any more than he wanted to stay here thinking about how trapped they were, but. "If you hang about here, you'll probably be crushed by another boulder soon enough," Tybalt offered in the same bright upbeat tone, jerking his head back towards the hallway arcing upwards. The man had already accepted death with buckets of enthusiasm, basically, so - if that was how he wanted to go out, good on him.
The other option was giving this death maze another go, like the helpless mice they were.
"Fancy seeing you here," he said faux-cheerfully to the strangers who had appeared inside (poor them, if only they'd known better), eyeing their intertwined hands with vague bemusement. Meanwhile, he hoisted himself up and off Bilton with a muttering of apology, reaching out a hand to help his groupmate up. Once he had, he turned back to the man who was a little bit... panicked.
Fair enough, admittedly. Tyb didn't really want to go back into the depths of this building any more than he wanted to stay here thinking about how trapped they were, but. "If you hang about here, you'll probably be crushed by another boulder soon enough," Tybalt offered in the same bright upbeat tone, jerking his head back towards the hallway arcing upwards. The man had already accepted death with buckets of enthusiasm, basically, so - if that was how he wanted to go out, good on him.
The other option was giving this death maze another go, like the helpless mice they were.