If he'd hoped for a quick decision, he was proven wrong again as everyone felt the need to chime in with their opinion. "I'd rather take my chances with the dangerous beast than with the rest of you," Conall muttered to himself as the Auror pup agonised about the thought of going downwards.
Conall was about ready to bury himself alive.
And that was before Mr. Bring-My-Broom-Along offered his pearl of wisdom. "Son, if you still think this is a casino, you need your sodding eyes fixed," he cut in, right as the door vanished behind them. Some bloody casino this was. Letting out a sigh, he added curtly: "Let's move." He didn't care which fucking way anymore.
Conall was about ready to bury himself alive.
And that was before Mr. Bring-My-Broom-Along offered his pearl of wisdom. "Son, if you still think this is a casino, you need your sodding eyes fixed," he cut in, right as the door vanished behind them. Some bloody casino this was. Letting out a sigh, he added curtly: "Let's move." He didn't care which fucking way anymore.