A curious sort of look crossed Monet's features as his gaze was averted at her question. That was a bit interesting but she wouldn't push the topic. He answered easily enough but she had a slight inkling there was more to it. Perhaps it would be something for her discover at another time. As it was, he had turned the question back to her and she had no issue with admitting she felt she was a bit of an artist herself.
"I'd like to think I am," she answered, "I like to sketch jewelry designs. I suppose I take after my father in that sense. He's actually used some of my sketches as guides for some of the pieces he's made for the shop." There was a bit of pride there, clearly, as her eyes brightened at the admission.
"I'd like to think I am," she answered, "I like to sketch jewelry designs. I suppose I take after my father in that sense. He's actually used some of my sketches as guides for some of the pieces he's made for the shop." There was a bit of pride there, clearly, as her eyes brightened at the admission.
![[Image: MonetSig.gif]](https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/MonetSig.gif)
![[Image: MonetSig.gif]](https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/MonetSig.gif)