Luck? Conall snorted in abject disbelief at the latter man's comment, not about to waste his breath arguing aloud with such stupidity, but wanting to make his opinion of that remark clear all the same.
He wasn't sure he'd have had the words, anyway, slowing his pace to take up the rear now that they were heading into the Casino, suddenly sapped of all the momentum he'd had in getting them to the Square.
Perhaps it was the idea of been shepherded inside somewhere, like a cage or a trap. Battling the elements out of doors was one thing, even when they were unnatural, but - inside an ominously bright, garish sort of building? That was distinctly uncomfortable territory, and a prickling feeling crawled upwards at the back of his neck as Conall - begrudgingly - followed them all in.
He wasn't sure he'd have had the words, anyway, slowing his pace to take up the rear now that they were heading into the Casino, suddenly sapped of all the momentum he'd had in getting them to the Square.
Perhaps it was the idea of been shepherded inside somewhere, like a cage or a trap. Battling the elements out of doors was one thing, even when they were unnatural, but - inside an ominously bright, garish sort of building? That was distinctly uncomfortable territory, and a prickling feeling crawled upwards at the back of his neck as Conall - begrudgingly - followed them all in.