The unnerving quiet of the casino kept Connie's nerves firmly on the edge they had been threatening to tilt over since the sphinx had first appeared. Whatever was in here, given the space was just as open as Mr Jameshill had said it was, would likely see them before they saw it even with the lights illuminating the whole place, unnaturally bright after so long with nothing to see but fog. She took a step closer to the lone other woman still in their group and kept her eyes peeled.
Suffice to say, she jumped quite spectacularly when Mr Scamander came back to them and realised belatedly that even if he had been an enemy she had nothing on her that would be much use.
"Definitely stay together," she echoed decisively, casually taking hold of a broom that had been abandoned against a nearby table. "Does anybody else feel like we're being watched?"
MJ made me beautiful