Every time Flora attempted to humor Mr. Fudge by cooperating with his antics, he always seemed to find a way to pull of his outlandish plans! Despite his ridiculousness, Flora couldn't deny that it was impressive; he had more determination and resourcefulness than most. Perhaps, she thought, he'd find his way into Slytherin house.
"I still don't know how you plan to get to Hogsmeade—in a legal way, of course," she challenged, casting him a dubious glance. She had no intention of running off, especially in pursuit of an unachievable goal.
(And neither did she intend to run off from her mother. Never. Her poor Mama's heart!)
"I still don't know how you plan to get to Hogsmeade—in a legal way, of course," she challenged, casting him a dubious glance. She had no intention of running off, especially in pursuit of an unachievable goal.
(And neither did she intend to run off from her mother. Never. Her poor Mama's heart!)