Paxton frowned a little and shook his head. Use his wand? How rude! It was his and only his! Nobody was allowed to touch it.
Not even him, apparently. His family had kept a hold of it and told him he is not to do any magic outside of Hogwarts as he was underaged – of course, Paxton took protest to that though he was powerless against the will of his seniors! Not if he hand is wand though, he thought. He’d be the best wizard ever!
“I haven’t got it and no you can’t. It’s my wand! You’re going to steal it!”
Not even him, apparently. His family had kept a hold of it and told him he is not to do any magic outside of Hogwarts as he was underaged – of course, Paxton took protest to that though he was powerless against the will of his seniors! Not if he hand is wand though, he thought. He’d be the best wizard ever!
“I haven’t got it and no you can’t. It’s my wand! You’re going to steal it!”