As soon as Spryly snapped, Finnian slid his hand into Mrs. Bones' and tugged her down the path. He really didn't want to die. He didn't. Not in a zoo, not in the jaws of a huge-ass crocodile, and not with Mrs. Bones watching him. He wanted to be a protector, yes, but not a human sacrifice.
"Yes, all ready to go. Let's get a move on, fellow group-ees," he rushed, turning his head back only once to flash an urgent look at the other members of the group. Maybe, when they escaped this Africa-invaded hell-hole, they'd all find a nice place to curl up and he might get a cuddle buddy for the evening.
"Yes, all ready to go. Let's get a move on, fellow group-ees," he rushed, turning his head back only once to flash an urgent look at the other members of the group. Maybe, when they escaped this Africa-invaded hell-hole, they'd all find a nice place to curl up and he might get a cuddle buddy for the evening.

— set by MJ! —
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