The young lad's speed made him a better option in Belle's estimation and even though she agreed with Miss MacKay that this was the clear way forward she still wasn't certain she favoured the idea of the young woman being the distraction. It wasn't that she doubted Miss MacKay's abilities per say but if they encountered anything else along the way she would rather have the girl still with them rather than languishing here with bites and only a diricawl for company.
On the other hand one of them needed to do something before the crocodile grew tired of staring them down. Reaching out she caught hold of Mr Byrne's sleeve and tugged him sideways.
"If we go one way and the rest of you the other we'll have a better chance of at least some of us getting there," she frowned down the path, knowing Salem Square was where they were being pushed but unable to think of a reason why. "Are we all ready to get moving?"
![[Image: bTp7pQ.jpg]](
Lady made me sexy <3