He just kept pushing. She tried to envision what her mother would do—besides walk away, that was. That was too easy, and with her luck would result in having insults yelled at her as she meandered off.
"A sensible man knows not to be so hasty in his decision-making," she said flatly. "And a sensible woman knows not to encourage a man's hastiness." It sounded like something she'd read right out of one of her governess-ordered textbooks, and it probably was, in all reality.
Not that Mr. Fudge would know based off his behavior.
"A sensible man knows not to be so hasty in his decision-making," she said flatly. "And a sensible woman knows not to encourage a man's hastiness." It sounded like something she'd read right out of one of her governess-ordered textbooks, and it probably was, in all reality.
Not that Mr. Fudge would know based off his behavior.