He made it oh-so-tempting to fire insults right back at him, but she swiftly reminded herself that she was a lady. Ladies did not bicker with other children for silly reasons, especially not silly boys with few manners!
"You are free to your beliefs, as am I," she responded calmly and without a hint of malice, "and if you so desire to pursue a business out of our idea—" Emphasis on the our. "—I would rest happy that I helped another discover their life's ambitions." Perfect and cordial, just like she'd been taught.
"You are free to your beliefs, as am I," she responded calmly and without a hint of malice, "and if you so desire to pursue a business out of our idea—" Emphasis on the our. "—I would rest happy that I helped another discover their life's ambitions." Perfect and cordial, just like she'd been taught.