Mr. Fudge's next works—portkey pebble-bracelets, as if!—was perhaps the least sensible thing that had left his mouth in the short few minutes they'd been speaking, prompting Flora to stare at him, mouth agape.
"That would never work, Mr. Fudge," she pointed out with a little tsk, tsk sound. "I don't believe any woman would wish to be spontaneously brought to the resort while showing their bracelet to their friend, and neither do I believe any attempt to make such a thing would get past the Ministry."
Of course, she was eleven, and presumably knew very little about the actual laws. That didn't, however, make his idea sound any less ridiculous in her mind!
"That would never work, Mr. Fudge," she pointed out with a little tsk, tsk sound. "I don't believe any woman would wish to be spontaneously brought to the resort while showing their bracelet to their friend, and neither do I believe any attempt to make such a thing would get past the Ministry."
Of course, she was eleven, and presumably knew very little about the actual laws. That didn't, however, make his idea sound any less ridiculous in her mind!