“They…” Paxton frowned and looked out toward the sea and suddenly, as if by magic, an idea sparked to mind, “They will take you to the beach! Like a… a portkey!”
He wasn’t sure how much of an idea this was though it was one the young Fudge was finding himself to be beyond thrilled to be discussing with Miss Mulciber. How would he even approach his father with the idea? Could he?
Maybe he could run away with Flora and they could start their business themselves. Who even needed adults? All they did was tell him what to do! Do this, be that, stop letting the giraffes free. Annoying!
“That sounds like a good idea to me, Miss Mulciber. Does it you?”
He wasn’t sure how much of an idea this was though it was one the young Fudge was finding himself to be beyond thrilled to be discussing with Miss Mulciber. How would he even approach his father with the idea? Could he?
Maybe he could run away with Flora and they could start their business themselves. Who even needed adults? All they did was tell him what to do! Do this, be that, stop letting the giraffes free. Annoying!
“That sounds like a good idea to me, Miss Mulciber. Does it you?”