Though her whims were usually indulged, she knew declaring to her parents that she intended to start a pebble-bracelet business with Mr. Fudge was likely to earn her more then a few side-eyed glances. That was, however, assuming such a plan would even be successful to begin with; while it sounded all fine and dandy, the specifics were bound to cause them, a pair of children, trouble once they had to handle the nitty-gritty details.
(Why was she even pondering this to begin with? It was silly!)
"Whatever will the bracelets do?" she asked as they begun to walk. Though her eyes scanned the sandy floor for the colorful pebbles, her attention was mostly on Mr. Fudge. "We much lure in unsuspecting customers with promises of grand beauty and charm. It's the only way," she teased.
(Why was she even pondering this to begin with? It was silly!)
"Whatever will the bracelets do?" she asked as they begun to walk. Though her eyes scanned the sandy floor for the colorful pebbles, her attention was mostly on Mr. Fudge. "We much lure in unsuspecting customers with promises of grand beauty and charm. It's the only way," she teased.