It seemed unlikely to him that she was being entirely honest, especially given what he knew about her resolve in matters generally. Why take initiative to clear her own cough if she could instead laze about for days being waited on hand and foot by the servants?
Her question, however, was enough to get him to turn around and arch an eyebrow at her in disbelief — he did not need an excuse to be found in his own study, no matter what time of the day or night it was. When he turned around, he noticed that her feet were back up on his desk, which caused him to cross his arms. With a scowl, he waited expectantly, hoping that she would take the hint to put them down.
Her question, however, was enough to get him to turn around and arch an eyebrow at her in disbelief — he did not need an excuse to be found in his own study, no matter what time of the day or night it was. When he turned around, he noticed that her feet were back up on his desk, which caused him to cross his arms. With a scowl, he waited expectantly, hoping that she would take the hint to put them down.